Working over distance has sometimes its challenges. Coming together and meeting is the positive side of it. One week a year is under the clear focus of training, team building and have a good time together. Ohrid2018 was a full success.
September is the month, which brought once again big parts of our cross border teams together. This time the Macedonian and the Swiss team enjoyed the beauties of Ohrid spending a pleasant time staying there. Active week full of trainings, productive discussions for further improvement and for sure week full of joy. Plenty of sunshine, delicious Macedonian food, boat trip by the Ohrid Lake and many happy faces were only a plus to this year’s event.
CAPcargo team showed once again that time spent together, is the most productive one. Working side by side in relaxed working atmosphere have shown us one more time that this is the right way, which will lead us in creation of one more successful story for the company and easier achievement of the company goals.
It was a second time when our Swiss team left Macedonia with positive impressions, of its natural beauties, historical places and hospitality of the local citizen. The CAPcargo claim “together for more” has once more proven to be correct. As a team we simply can achieve more.