Since 1 ½ years CAPcargo is operating its own development center in the capital of Macedonia, in Skopje. The Macedonian team is growing and a good opportunity to have for once a team week in this country in the southeast of Europe. The Swiss crew has been flown into Skopje in May 2017. An entire catalogue of technical and functional sessions and trainings was organized. An inspiring moment to see how close the two teams can work together and build up knowledge.

Next to the work there was enough time left for team activities. Especially the day trip into the wonderful nature of the Matka canyon was impressive, not only for the foreigners. So close to the city of Skopje and it felt like a total different region, in full nature. By canoe or boat a cave could be discovered. Next to the nature adventure there was always enough time to get to know each other better.

Die Schweizer Besucher haben in dieser Woche gelernt, dass Skopje in der Tat nicht nur ein guter Standort für Software-Entwicklung ist. Interessante Natur, eine multikulturelle Stadt und gutes Essen. Ein schöner Ort und viel besser als viele erwartet hätten.