
Back from CAPcargo TeamWeek2019

  In the meanwhile, already a tradition. During one week per year the CAPcargo team comes together for common learning and training sessions. Great team spirit during one week in the Val Lumnezia in the Swiss mountains. Perfect scenery, sightseeing at beautiful spots and for some a hiking trip to [...]

Back from CAPcargo TeamWeek20192021-09-29T08:39:27+02:00

Microsoft Inspire is back in Las Vegas

Microsoft Inspire ist der Ort, an dem sich Partner treffen, um als eine Community zusammenzuarbeiten und zu feiern. Mit Tausenden von Partnern aus über 130 Ländern wird es vom 14. bis 18. Juli möglich sein sich von gemeinsamen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnissen inspirieren zu lassen. Auf welche Neuigkeiten dürfen sich die Teilnehmer in diesem Jahr [...]

Microsoft Inspire is back in Las Vegas2021-09-28T08:07:57+02:00

CAPcargo in Microsoft Business Applications Summit

  Microsoft organized the second annual Business Applications Summit in Atlanta 10-11. June 2019. In the event they presented the latest and upcoming features in Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform (Power BI, PowerApps, Flow).Microsoft has been investing heavily in this Business Applications ecosystem in the past few years and the results are impressive. [...]

CAPcargo in Microsoft Business Applications Summit2021-09-28T08:18:10+02:00

transport logistic 2019 in Munich – CAPcargo well received

  Entgegen der Trends bei den traditionellen Ausstellungen, hat die transport logistic in München auch in diesem Jahr wieder ihre Stellung als die globale Leitmesse bestätigt. Nochmals 10% mehr Aussteller, eine zusätzliche Halle, ein Plus von 5% bei den Besuchern. München entwickelt sich immer mehr zum Platz, wo sich die Logistikwelt trifft und Logistiktrends [...]

transport logistic 2019 in Munich – CAPcargo well received2021-09-28T08:37:08+02:00

The countdown has started – CAPcargo at the transport logistic in Munich

  Nur noch eine Woche und dann startet am 4. Juni 2019 die transport logistic in München. Haben Sie Ihren Besuch schon geplant? Dispositionsleitstand, ERP-Prozesse und Cloud computing? Im CAPcargo TransportManagementSystem kommen diese Elemente zusammen. Werkzeuge zum Arbeiten und modernste Technologien auf der Basis von Microsoft Dynamics 365 und der Azure Plattform. Stückgut, Teil- [...]

The countdown has started – CAPcargo at the transport logistic in Munich2021-09-28T08:55:16+02:00

CAPcargo at the transport logistic in Munich

  Es sind schon wieder 2 Jahre vergangen, seit sich am Drehkreuz der globalen Logistikbranche mehr als 60.000 Fachbesucher aus 123 Ländern in München an der transport logistic getroffen haben. In diesem Jahr findet die Leitmesse für Logistik, Mobilität, IT und Supply Chain Management vom 4. – 7. Juni 2019 statt. Die CAPcargo ist [...]

CAPcargo at the transport logistic in Munich2021-09-28T09:02:00+02:00

Meet CAPcargo at User Group Summit in Amsterdam

  Join with us the Summit from the 27-29March 2019 at the RAI Amsterdam to learn, network and engage. Don’t miss the annual conference for users of the Microsoft Business Applications platform – focused learning and networking on all versions of Dynamics 365, AX and CRM.As attendees you will have access to: • The [...]

Meet CAPcargo at User Group Summit in Amsterdam2021-09-28T09:09:21+02:00

CAPcargo is participating at the eXtreme 365 conference in Amsterdam

From the 25 – 27 March 2019 the Microsoft Business Applications partner community will meet at the RAI in Amsterdam to learn and work closely with Microsoft Leadership, ISVs, business experts, other partner and the tech community. That’s why you should attend the conference: An eXtreme365 agenda offers deep tracks of partner learning: Market [...]

CAPcargo is participating at the eXtreme 365 conference in Amsterdam2021-09-29T08:40:37+02:00

Why Make the Move to Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations?

Upgrade projects do not sound thrilling. Nobody is really asking for it and changes are anyway never easy. So why doing it, only because mainstream support is running out? For once, the migration to Dynamics 365 is not just a migration to the next version; it is opening a new world. A world, which [...]

Why Make the Move to Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations?2021-09-28T09:26:29+02:00

7.3, 8.0, 8.1, … 10 – continuous update releases

With the introduction of the 8.1 release, the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations update policy has changed and will change. CAPcargo is on top of it, the 8.1 release was published only two months after the general availability of the corresponding D365FO release. Microsoft will deliver two major releases per year – [...]

7.3, 8.0, 8.1, … 10 – continuous update releases2021-10-01T10:45:55+02:00
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