Dispatching and confirmation | Improvement of the visibility of failed pickup/delivery on tour stops in the GPB gantt screensPreviously existing small icons on tour stop overview in GPB gantt screen (to show that some failed pickup/delivery occurred on the tour stop) were replaced by full red highlight of the tour stop leg point, where failed pickup/delivery occured.
| 2023-01 | New feature | 93056 |
Dispatching and confirmation | 'Early/late arrival' and 'Early/late customer wish' filters were added also to the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen'Early/late arrival' and 'Early/late customer wish' filters were previously available only in GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen, now are available in both GPB gantt screens.
Filter logic in GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen is similar, the only difference is that filters take into account the delay of tour stop (where the resource assignment ends), instead of tour end delay.
| 2023-01 | New feature | 92354 |
Geo-services | Individual details of traffic incidents and truck attribute limitations are newly available in the GPB map screenDetails are accessible by clicking directly on the individual traffic incident (or truck attribute limitation) icons, in the GPB map screen (provided that the feature layers are activated).
| 2023-01 | New feature | 91465 |
Dispatching and confirmation | View details transport order' was added to the context menu in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen grid | 2023-01 | New feature | 90301 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Re-work of GPB infologs (to not anymore block the GPB screen actions and possibility to suppress them)Previously, in GPB screens, the general behavior of infologs was that they always had to be confirmed before the user can continue. It would block the entire GPB. And often they are not appearing on that screen the user is working, hence he does not spot them and hence does not know why the system is blocked. Example of such blocking infolog: when tour was deleted.
General behavior of GPB infologs was re-worked and improved.
Key points:
- GPB infologs are not anymore blocking the screen processes. With exception of 'decision making' infologs that require user interaction.
- Most of infologs can newly be suppressed, by checking the 'Do not show this dialog again' checkbox when the infolog triggered for the first time
| 2023-01 | New feature | 86760 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Unification of date/time format in all GPB screensThe format of the date/time in GPB is now applied from D365 settings of the user (User options --> Preferences --> Language and country/region preferences --> Date, time, and number format). If the date/time format is not set there, then the format is applied from the selected language.
Please note that even that the field says 'Date, time and number format' in D365, only date and time format is applied in GPB.
| 2023-01 | New feature | 82238 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Different context action menu when multiple tour stops are selected in the GPB gantt screensPreviously, the same context action menu was opened when dispatchers selected more tour stops. Which was misleading, as only 'Delete' action is actually supported when multiple tour stops are selected. This is now improved and tour stop context menu now 'offers' only supported actions (ie. only 'Delete' action is currently possible for multiple tour stop, but the list might be extended in the future).
| 2023-01 | New feature | 45525 |
Driver App | Planned duration is newly reflected in the activity description in driver appPreviously, the activity description in Driver app was static on all activities (ie. either 'Description' or 'Language text' of the TMS activity was used). This task introduces a dynamic activity description, where newly also information about the planned duration of the activity is shown (for certain activities).
Following activity types were enhanced:
- Driving time breaks
- Wait
- Idle time
So instead of "Driving break", driver app users will now see for example "Driving break 15 min", ditto for activity types 'Idle time'.
The 'Wait' activity type is handled a bit differently, there instead of "Waiting" drivers will see for example "Waiting until 14:00".
| 2023-01 | New feature | 90048 |
Driver App | Improvement of handling of 'parent' activity duration calculation, in case many feedbacks are received for the same activityPreviously it could happen that the duration of 'parent' activity (eg. 'Go to Silo A') was calculated not entirely correctly, when many 'child' activity feedbacks (eg. multiple 'Barcode scan (address area)') were received for the same one 'parent' activity. The behavior was improved and calculation of activity duration is now more reliable.
| 2023-01 | New feature | 87254 |
Truck loading App | Reducing the activities that are sent to truck loading appAs there is currently no parameterization possible (to specify which activities shall go to driver app, or to truck loading app, or to both), many activities were sent to both mobile apps. Which, especially in truck loading app, was quite confusing as user was faced with activities that were not too related to his/her work. To improve the situation (and to limit activities that are sent to truck loading app), following rule was adopted (until some more intelligent configurable solution is in place):
- If the tour stop is enabled for truck loading app (loading / unloading), then only 'Load/Unload/Checking goods' activities are sent to truck loading app, but nothing else. All other activities go to to driver app.
| 2023-01 | New feature | 86346 |
Shipment Builder | New feature: Warehouse info-bridgeNew feature of 'Warehouse info-bridge' was added to the TMS product, to allow a transfer of information between transport entities and the WHS warehouse. Every bit of information gets its own parameter. If this parameter is activated then the information is taken from transportation and at release to warehouse – regardless whether from transport leg or tour –, it is moved to the temporary work transaction and then further to the warehouse work header and work line.
Key points:
- The activation is done in the 'Trade and Distribution parameters' (in section 'Shipment builder', in parameter group 'Release to warehouse')
- New button in GPB screens, to update the information that was already sent to the warehouse
- Once activated, the TMS information is provided in the warehouse in 3 places:
- Temporary work transaction
- Work header
- Work line
- Following update processes are also covered:
- when unplanning leg from tour (even by tour deletion or by moving it to another tour) and at transport leg deletion, the related work lines have to be updated. This shall also trigger the recalculation of the aggregated values in the work header
- when splitting warehouse work the values of the transportation related fields are have to be copied to the new warehouse work
- on demand when a dedicated button is pressed in GPB screens
| 2023-01 | New feature | 93459 |
Dispatching and confirmation | 'Merge part deliveries' dispatching action was previously possible only when 'to-be-merged' transport legs had exactly just one order lineNow, the 'Merge part deliveries' can be used also when transport legs have more than one order line.
| 2023-01 | New feature | 93599 |
Integrations | New data entity for administration of Mid-term driver planNew data entity was created, both for export and import projects:
- TAL Mid-term driver plan
| 2023-01 | New feature | 93414 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Transport unit description was added to tour related reportsTransport unit description was added to the tour report (and also to the loading/unloading list reports). Previously these reports contained only transport unit id.
| 2023-01 | New feature | 93331 |
Master data | 'Geocoding-failed addresses' form improvementsFollowing improvements were done on the 'Geocoding-failed addresses' form:
- Total score field added to the grid
- New single score fields added to the footer
- Effective from/till field also moved to the footer
- Truck-icon added to the end of the grid if the address is a transport address
- Only active addresses shown in the grid
- RecId field was removed from the grid
| 2023-01 | New feature | 93178 |
Integrations | New data entity for administration of driver & vehicle certificatesNew data entity was added, both for export and import projects:
- TAL Certificate
| 2023-01 | New feature | 93156 |
Integrations | New data entities for administration of employee qualificationsNew data entity was created, both for export and import projects:
- TAL Employee qualifications
| 2023-01 | New feature | 93154 |
Master data | Address correction (no new address version) vs. Address change (new address version)The function 'CAPcargo correct address' (existing already on geocoding-failed form) was implemented also to the main manage-address form.
This function corrects a selected address WITHOUT creating a new version of the address and without marking the address [and related orders] as expired; hence it can be used if there was an error/typing mistake on any of the address fields. - On the other hand, the standard 'edit' function creates a new version of the address if any address field is changed and marks the previous address version as expired [same for existing orders]; this is supposed to be used when the address really changes (ie. at relocation for example).
Further it was fixed, that the standard address-change feature (creating new address version) is not compromised by the CAPcargo features in the following scenario:
An address was "corrected" (i.e. not leading to a new address version) by a CAPcargo feature (e.g. geo-coding choose best match on map). Then after that - without closing the form - any address field was edited. It would be expected, that a new address version is created, but it was not. If the same thing was done after re-opening the address, all would work well.
| 2023-01 | New feature | 93094 |
Geo-services | Improvement of auto-geocoding mechanism for addressesAddress auto-geocoding mechanism was enhanced, to achieve that 'weaker-precise' addresses are still geocoded automatically (but still to ensure good quality), so that users need to handle less 'geocoding-failed' addresses manually.
Previously, during auto-geocoding of address, the geocoding algorithm considered as 'automatically matching' only when exactly one address was found (with total matching score level above the main parameter threshold). So in case more address candidates were found (each with total matching score above the main parameter), then none was automatically selected (as user had to decide between the address candidates individually).
Newly, it is possible to define minimum matching scores for individual address components (eg. for city, street name etc.), and in case more address candidates are found (each with total matching score above the main parameter threshold), then the geocoding algorithm considers as 'automatically matching' the address with the highest total matching score (but still with all individual address component matching scores about their specified threshold).
Please note:
- New 'Use best geocoding score' parameterization (in main TMS parameters, in 'Geo services' section) to activate (and configure) the advanced behaviour of auto-geocoding mechanism
- The advanced auto-geocoding mechanism (ie. matching evaluation per individual address component thresholds) is only applied when more than one address candidate is found (each with total matching score level above the main parameter threshold). In case exactly just one address candidate is found (with total matching score level above the main parameter threshold), then the individual address component check is not applied (as such candidate is automatically selected as 'matching')
| 2023-01 | New feature | 93039 |
Master data | Possibility to create a resource with 1 axlePreviously it was possible to create a resource only with amount of axles from 2 till 12. Now also a 1 axle option is possible.
| 2023-01 | New feature | 92958 |
Integrations | Data entity 'TAL worker in driver group' was renamed to 'TAL driver group assignment', to better describe its purpose | 2023-01 | New feature | 92711 |
Customer order management and pricing | Allowing duplicate setup of the same surcharge type in tariffs (rollback of 25668 fix from 10.0-CAP25.0 release)Previously introduced bugfix 25668 (Multiple same surcharge types in the tariff surcharge definition, released in 10.0-CAP25.0) turned out to be too limiting, as it became impossible to setup the same surcharge type multiple time (but each time with different price for different range criteria). This task is removing the 25668 fix, hence it is again possible to setup one surcharge type multiple time on Contract/Version/Relation (or in the surcharge group), and again only first effective surcharge type is applied in the price calculation.
Further enhancement in this area is foreseen in 10.0-CAP32.0 (in task 93484), to introduce more intelligent validation.
| 2023-01 | New feature | 92173 |
Customer order management and pricing | Contact person enhancementPrevious implementation of the contact person handling onthe transport order was quite rigid. It relied entirely on the already existingcontacts (of customer account, load/unload address) and it did not support easy& fast contact specification during the order creation.
Hence the contact person handling was redesigned.
In general, following contact specific flows/cases are nowsupported on transport order header and on the forms for new transport order creation:
- Selection of existing contacts, from customer/address master data (ie. existing functionality ‘Contact’ field)
- Creation of new contacts (that will be stored in the customer/address master data)
- Specification of ‘one-time’contact data, that are not stored in customer/address master data
Also, when we talk about contact data on the transportorder, it actually covers three different contact data sets:
- Contact of customer
- Contact of load address
- Contact of unload address
The enhancement covers all three contact data sets.
Key points:
- Next to already existingcontact fields, three new dedicated physical fields wereintroduced, to each contact data set:
- Contact name
- Phone (primary)
- Phone (secondary)
- New fields can be specifiedeither manually (ie. ‘one-time’ contact data) or can be populated from thepreviously stored master data (eg. via ‘Contact’ lookup field)
- New "Add+" buttons wereintroduced, for direct creation of the ‘Contact’ master data
- Removal of the ‘Contactinformation’ field from all contact data sets, as the field was not used (as itcould store all types for contact information, eg. phone/email etc., which ledto various complications) and the field was TMS specific field (that doesn’thave equivalent in the standard D365 trade orders).
- Most of existing delivery related ordertypes are covered by this enhancement; excluded are only the order types that have purely financial purpose (eg. InterCompany order, Part-invoice order)
Pending points (ie. not yet covered in CAP31 release):
- Enhance accordingly also dialog for creation of new transport orders
- Enhance accordingly also customer webportal
- Enhance accordingly also harmonized Subcontracting order
- If EDI is used, then previously used EDI files/messages (for importing of transport orders) must be adjusted before installing CAP31 release, because of the changed structure in contact data of the transport orders.
| 2023-01 | New feature | 91996 |
Geo-services | Two new license configuration keys were added, to better manage PTV xServer2 featuresFollowing license configuration keys were added (under 'CAPcargo Transport and Logistics -> Geo Information System (GIS)):
- 'Use real time traffic data'
- 'Speed patterns'
The two new configuration keys are disabled by default and must be separately enabled if these features are needed.
Please note:
- Further parameterization/configuration/licensing might be needed, in order to start using both features
| 2023-01 | New feature | 91656 |
Geo-services | Tour sequence optimization algorithm previously treated 'non-TMS addreses' as 'always open', despite some business hour limitation was set up on 'Calendar per area'Newly, the 'Calendar per area' set up is taken into account also for 'non-TMS addresses'.
| 2023-01 | New feature | 91256 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Improve the logic for reusing existing tour stops when orders/legs are added to the tourThe mechanism for adding orders/legs into tours was improved, to ensure that existing tour stops (with same address) are rather re-used, instead of creating a new tour stop. This mechanism was existing already in previous versions, but several cases were reported (where the re-using of tour stop did not happen).
| 2023-01 | New feature | 89283 |
Customer order management and pricing | Removal of obsolete objects, which were deprecated in CAP19-CAP26 releasesObsolete objects which were deprecated in CAP19-CAP26 releases were removed. This is a regular periodic 'cleaning' task, to remove previously announced deprecated features.
For further information please refer to CAPcargo lifecycle support documentation.
| 2023-01 | New feature | 87420 |
Driver App | KNOWN ISSUE in D365: Exporting Mobile app users and reason codes doesn´t work in onebox dev/test environments that have SQL Server 2016 and Microsoft D365 10.0.30 or later This is a Microsoft framework issue that happens in onebox (cloud hosted or locally hosted) environments that have been created before D365 10.0.24 version was published. Those environments have SQL Server 2016 and starting from D365 10.0.30 incremental exports with recurring data jobs are not working anymore.
Incremental exports are used in following CAPcargo Mobile app integrations:
- Mobile app users
- Mobile app reason codes
Onebox environments are usually used for development, but sometimes also for testing. Onebox environments that are used with CAPcargo Mobile apps are impacted by this issue.
This issue doesn´t impact actual Microsoft managed test (=sandbox Tier2 and above) or productive environments
The only fix to this issue is to deploy a new environment using a newer environment template (D365 10.0.24 or newer) that comes with SQL Server 2019.
It´s possible to work around this issue by not using incremental push for Mobile app users and Reason codes, but a full push instead. This way all users and reason codes are exported each time the integration job runs. This adds some overhead to the integrations, and also increases staging table data usage.
When requested, CAPcargo can make this setup change when configuring the new Mobile app version in a customer system.
Symptoms of the issue:
Mobile app user and Mobile app reason code recurring data jobs show "Processed with error" in the execution history. And in the details you´ll see error message: "SysIntegrationActivityBatchTask-run. Results. Cannot execute the required database operation.
The SQL database has issued an error.
Object Server DynamicsAXBatchManagement:
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]'DISABLE_BATCH_MODE_ADAPTIVE_JOINS' is not a valid hint."
| 2023-01 | Known issue | 94065 |
Driver App | KNOWN ISSUE: Changing tour stop sequence in D365: new tour stop sequence is not shown in Driver appIf tour stop sequence is changed (eg. tour stops are rearranged) in D365 after the tour was sent to Driver app, then the new sequence is not shown in Driver app.
What updates (ie. corrects) the tour sequence in Driver app, is when new transport order/leg is added into the tour.
| 2023-01 | Known issue | 94061 |
Customer order management and pricing | Order Import: Structural change of importing contact information dataIn Release 31.0 the structure of the contact information of transport orders was modified, more specifically the contact of customer, contact of load address and contact of unload address. The purpose is to replace the 'Contact information' field [only reference to master data] from all the three data sets by three new [physical] fields: Contact name, Phone 1 and Phone 2, keeping other existing [physical] fields Email and URL. - However, in release 31.0, the 'Contact information' reference field is not removed yet, just announced deprecated and put invisible in the UI.
We have introduced a data migration job (#93927) which adjusts the data structure of the transport order to the new structure. This is a preparation for the deprecation of the 'Contact information' reference field in the future, i.e. R35.
As part of this new feature, the TAL transport order header data entity, which is part of the composite data entity TAL transport order import, has been adjusted to the new data structure and contains the new fields. It is important to note that if you want to use the old files for importing transport order contact information, you will not have that information visible in UI anymore although it will still import. It will be deprecated in the future (R35), which means that your files for importing of transport orders would latest fail after R35 or higher is installed.
CAPcargo strongly recommends - before taking R31 in production -, to adjusted the order import files to the new structure in order to have all the contact information visible and correctly imported.
Hint to composite data entities (order import):
When refreshing the data entity list, sometimes the mapping of the child data entities belonging to a composite data entity is not re-generated and there might be some fields which are missing. This can can leads to unsuccessful importing of files.
Solution: Navigate to Data management > Data entities, find the composite data entity and go to its child entities.
Select the child data entity and click on Modify target mapping > Mapping details > Generate mapping. This will regenerate the mapping from scratch and the new fields should be part of the mapping.
When importing a composite data entity, always check the mapping in the project - both mapping details and mapping visualization. They should contain the new fields in both target and source columns.
Also, it’s important to make a distinction between the child entity and regular data entity. The regular data entity (for example TALTransportOrderHeaderImportEntity) is child entity of TALTransportOrderImportCompositeEntity). The mapping of the first one can be different than the child entity part of the composite entity, so they both need to be regenerated.
| 2023-01 | Deprecation | 93943 |
Other / General | Data migration task - to populate new contact fields from the previously existing 'Contact information' field on the transport ordersData migration task for 91996.
Data migration task populates 'Phone (primary)' and 'Email' fields from 'Contact information' fields, on all previously existing transport orders. In case the 'Email' field was already filled on previously existing transport orders, it is then not overwritten from the 'Contact information' data.
| 2023-01 | Data conversion | 93927 |
Driver App | Sequence of all activities on tour stops was incremented when driver reports a 'Wait' activity on a tour stop in the driver appNewly, only the sequence of subsequent activities is incremented (ie. sequence of activities that are after the 'Wait' activity).
| 2023-01 | Bug | 93343 |
Truck loading App | Truck loading app fields on tour stop were previously not updated after the tour stop address was changedThe issue was happening for example when tour start address was changed from "non-truck loaded app" enabled address into "truck loaded app" enabled depot (or the other way around).
| 2023-01 | Bug | 92870 |
Truck loading App | Truck loading app fields on tour stop were previously sometimes not updated after the tour stops were merged | 2023-01 | Bug | 92865 |
Truck loading App | In truck loading app, the activity 'Truck loading tour start' was sometimes doubled and 'Loading complete' was sometimes missing | 2023-01 | Bug | 90175 |
Dispatching and confirmation | ADR points (for dangerous goods) were sometimes not displayed correctly in GPB gantt screensThe issue was happening only when transport order was split via quantity split.
| 2023-01 | Bug | 94020 |
Geo-services | Wrong warning infologs after sucessfull geocoding of address from GPB | 2023-01 | Bug | 93944 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Work instruction icon was not showing in GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen when transport order had work instruction only on transport order line level | 2023-01 | Bug | 93746 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Error infologs were sometimes encountered when opening GPB gantt screens via "Show tour in GPB" buttons from various TAL formsPreviously, several error infologs could be encountered when opening GPB gantt screens via "Show tour in GPB" buttons from various TAL forms (eg. from transport order). The issues were only happening in certain combination of actions (ie. when pressing "GPB - Tour Dispatching' button on transport order in status "Dispatched", while having no GPB gantt screen active/opened etc.). The issues were corrected.
| 2023-01 | Bug | 93428 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Missing automatic screen refresh when moving a tour stop from tour (in GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen) into another tour (in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen) | 2023-01 | Bug | 92316 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Occasional GPB client crash, when selecting a tour stop on the map | 2023-01 | Bug | 92076 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Selection of tour stop on the GPB map again highlights the tour stop in GPB gantt source screenPreviously (ie. in older GPB versions), when tour was visualized on the GPB map (via 'pushing' from GPB gantt screens) then the selecting of tour stop on the map would also select & highlight the tour stop in the source GPB gantt screen. This feature was later lost, due to internal GPB interface changes. This task restores back the functionality.
| 2023-01 | Bug | 92074 |
Geo-services | Several tour details were not shown correctly on the tour in GPB Map, when tour was pulled from GPB 'Resource Dispatching' into map screenFollowing tour details were not shown correctly (the list might not be complete):
- Tour start/end dates (and times)
- Capacity utilization of the tour
The issue was caused by broken link between GPB Map & GPB 'Resource Dispatching', that happened after pulling the tour onto the map (via 'Air line view').
| 2023-01 | Bug | 91572 |
Driver App | Issues were sometimes encountered when failed pickup/delivery was registered via driver appIf the failed pickup/delivery was registered via driver app, and it was done for an order that had packages and many lines, following issues might have been encountered:
- Failed pickup fails completely
- Failed delivery runs correctly but unexpected error messages are shown
| 2023-01 | Bug | 93180 |
Driver App | Additional unexpected activities wore sometimes created after failed delivery was registered via driver appThe issue was happening only when 'Synchronous' change tracking mode was activated in the mobile app parameters.
| 2023-01 | Bug | 93047 |
Shipment Builder | Transport order creation via shipment builder could fail, because of load date being later than unload dateThe issue was caused by missing validation in order import process. The issue was solved by adding new validation to shipment lot creation process, to ensure that goods receipt date is always later than the shipping date.
| 2023-01 | Bug | 93175 |
Master data | Error 'Default tour creation is not possible, due to missing activities of type tour start/tour end!' when adding a new default tour line (or editing existing tour line) | 2023-01 | Bug | 94057 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Duplicate driving time & distance calculation on the tour, when tour is created via 'drag & drop' from the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screenThe issues was happening especially when parameter 'Tour distance/time calculation in real-time' was activated in the main TMS parameters and the tour was created via 'drag & drop' from several transport orders/legs. Then the driving time & distance calculation was performed individually (ie. after every leg was added into tour). The issue was corrected, the driving time & distance calculation is now launched only after the last transport leg is added to the tour.
| 2023-01 | Bug | 94046 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Error 'Attempted to divide by zero', when confirming a tourThe issue was happening only when planned transport quantity was zero and dispatcher tried to confirm a 'non-zero' transport quantity. Issue was corrected and should not occur anymore.
| 2023-01 | Bug | 93983 |
Customer order management and pricing | Order calculation issue when having several order lines with different contractsThe following issue was found in R31.0, it has existed since R23.0, and was fixed by this task.
If you have an order (any order type) with more than one "calculation-packages", meaning several order lines with different contracts/-version/-relation and/or different tariff levels, and some data changed which lead to recalculation, then it can happen, that too many "calculation-packages" are removed and not properly re-created. In worst case, this could lead to too less amounts being invoiced.
For order lines with the same contracts/-version/-relation and tariff level or for orders with only one order line, the risk does not exist.
The issue was corrected and does not happen anymore.
| 2023-01 | Bug | 93827 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Under certain circumstances the transport leg unload rough plan date could previously happen before the load rough plan dateThe issue was especially happening when the user was changing only the time of unloading (while keeping the same unload date), on the order that was already submitted into dispatching. Such action was previously not handled correctly, as 'Run rough scheduling (transport leg)' option was previously not automatically activated in the 'Change date/time' dialog. The issue was corrected and 'Run rough scheduling (transport leg)' option is automatically set (and disabled for user changes) even when just time change is registered (as rough scheduling process should launch always when some date and/or time is registered).
| 2023-01 | Bug | 93744 |
Geo-services | In certain configuration, certain PTV xServer2 services (eg. calculation of driving distance & time) could not be used; system reported error 'No license available for using toll related features.'The issue was happening only on configuration where PTV xServer2 was installed without toll cost feature. Then the tour related calls of various PTV xServer2 services (eg. calculation of driving distance & time) were failing even though the 'Toll cost' license configuration key was deactivated in D365.
The issue was corrected and toll costs are included in the PTV service calls only when the related license configuration key is activated.
| 2023-01 | Bug | 93734 |
Geo-services | Changing just the address street name (via 'CAPcargo Transport Address/Geo-coding' button and the wizard) in global address book addresses was sometimes not possible, as the street name change was not saved back into database | 2023-01 | Bug | 93635 |
Subcontracting/IC invoicing | Under certain configuration, the tax was sometimes printed incorrectly on the vendor pro-forma invoiceThe issue was only happening when 'Amounts include sales tax' parameter was deactivated on the vendor invoice journal template. The issue was affecting only the pro-forma process, the posting into general ledger account was then correct.
| 2023-01 | Bug | 93539 |
Geo-services | Sequence optimization was sometimes not providing optimal sequence of tour stopsThe issue was caused because address opening hours of PLANNED dates were were evaluated by sequence optimization algorithm against ESTIMATED date of the tour. The issue was corrected by always using PLANNED dates/times when sending tour departure, opening hours and customer wish to PTV tour sequence optimization engine.
| 2023-01 | Bug | 93447 |
Geo-services | Geocoding: Address level validation [by country] not respected in xServer 2Advanced and more intelligent geocoding validation has been introduced in CAP29.0. Since then, a 2-folded address geocoding validation is in place, whereas in xServer1 only 1 validation was available:
- Address level validation (available in xServer1 and xServer2) → defines the expected accuracy of an address (e.g. "must have at least street")
- Address match quality in % (xServer2 only) → intelligently rates the founds results according to its address details.
Since introduction of the 2nd component, in some constellations component 1 is not respected anymore.
Example: An address provides no street, but otherwise is accurate (zip/city found). Validation #2 returns no problem, but #1 should return a problem (if set accordingly), which currently does not work in this combination, validation #1 is ignored. This part is fixed.
| 2023-01 | Bug | 93109 |
Integrations | Import of address qualification could end in error, if qualification already exists with different criteriaThe issue was corrected and the import of address qualifications works the same as manual creation of the qualifications (ie. it is possible to import same qualification with different criteria).
| 2023-01 | Bug | 92968 |
Integrations | TransportOrderLineImport' data entity end point was renamed to 'TAL TransportOrderLineImport', to be consistent with other TMS endpoints | 2023-01 | Bug | 92531 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Sequence optimization (and also driving distance and time calculation) didn't respect the truck attributes, when new tour was created via 'Drag & Drop' of transport leg directly into resource in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' | 2023-01 | Bug | 92397 |
Geo-services | KNOWN ISSUE: Licence configuration key 'Advanced truck attributes' should be activated, for proper operation of xServer2 processesIf licence configuration key 'Advanced truck attributes' is not activated, then the xServer2 processes do not provide reliable results, as the vehicle technical data (eg. lenght, width, height, number of axles etc.) and speed profile data are not submitted to xServer2. On the frontend, users could experience for example unprecise results of driving distance & time calculation, unreliable tour visualization etc.
| 2023-01 | Bug | 92386 |
Subcontracting/IC invoicing | Section with transport module order details was previously missing in the sub-contracting invoice & pro-forma reports (both in vendor invoicing and self-billing) | 2023-01 | Bug | 92361 |
Other / General | CAP.Trade&Distribution: Role 'T&L Purchase Clerk' is categorized as 'Light User' licenseThe following 3 CAPcargo T&L security roles only require a 'Light User' license, and accordingly have limited rights. They are used by CAP.Trade&Distribution. (See also whitepaper CAPcargo_SecurityRoles_D365.pdf)
- T&L Sales Clerk
- T&L Purchase Clerk
- T&L Warehouse Worker
The roles can be found in the system under system administration - security configuration. By selecting the role and clicking "View permissions" you can see the detailed rights.
The Light User license role 'T&L Purchase Clerk' had too many rights (CAPcargo transport address creation), which was accordingly corrected and aligned with the 'T&L Sales Clerk' and 'T&L Warehouse Worker'.
| 2023-01 | Bug | 91300 |
Customer order management and pricing | Invoice type of default order was previously sometimes not respected after generating transport order from default order | 2023-01 | Bug | 91093 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Correction of 'Remove/Keep' functionality in goods management formThe 'Remove/Keep' functionality in goods management form (accessible from GPB screens) previously sometimes didn't split quantities into legs correctly.
Depending on how many lines were in the transport order, and how many were selected before Keep/Remove functionality was used, multiple transport legs could have been created instead of an extra single leg with multiple lines.
With the corrected logic, only one transport leg is created with multiple lines.
| 2023-01 | Bug | 90760 |