
CAPcargo auf der transport logistic in München

  Nachdem 2021 aufgrund der anhaltenden Corona-Krise, der Grossanlass abgesagt werden musste, ist es Anfang Mai 2023 endlich wieder so weit. Im Jahr 2019 haben mehr als 64.000 Fachbesucher aus 125 Ländern und Regionen in München getroffen. Hoffen wir, dass auch in diesem Jahr viele Besucher vom 09. – 12. Mai die Leitmesse für Logistik, [...]

CAPcargo auf der transport logistic in München2023-05-04T07:34:19+02:00

CAPcargo TeamWoche findet endlich wieder statt

Nach dreijähriger coronabedingter Pause trifft sich nächste Woche das gesamte CAPcargo-Team zu gemeinsamen Trainings, aber auch Outdoor-Aktivitäten und die Region rund um Neuenburg/Schweiz entdecken, werden Teil des Wochenprogrammes sein. Eine über 200 Jahre alte Internatsschule, welche zu einem Gästehaus umgebaut wurde, wird uns beherbergen und kulinarisch verwöhnen. Wir freuen uns auf eine lehrreiche und [...]

CAPcargo TeamWoche findet endlich wieder statt2022-07-01T13:30:03+02:00

Read our product release letters online

Going online with our new website we have today the opportunity to also integrate our product release letters. Easy to learn about new features and changes. You can find them under the menu item “Technology”. Now it is possible to read them whenever you need it and with the new “Search”, “Sort” and “Filter” [...]

Read our product release letters online2021-09-03T07:33:37+02:00

CAPcargo driver app ready for project implementation

The development of the CAPcargo driver app is proceeding quickly. Together with the CAPcargo 9.0 feature release the app is now available under alpha track testing on the google play store. […]

CAPcargo driver app ready for project implementation2021-11-12T09:26:34+02:00

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations ranked as top ERP system

Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O, the platform for the CAPcargo Transport Management System is the best ERP system when it comes to product features, user satisfaction, vendor experience and capabilities. Great achievement! Software Review’s has published in April 2020 their results from the latest customer rankings in their Data Quadrant Report for Enterprise Resource [...]

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations ranked as top ERP system2021-09-28T07:06:22+02:00

CAPcargo in work-at-home mode

Who would have imagined three months ago that our habits and cooperation methods will so quickly change and are even working? End of February 2020 CAPcargo has decided that from the 2nd of March on we keep our office locations closed and everybody must work from home. We did this much before official [...]

CAPcargo in work-at-home mode2021-09-28T07:11:05+02:00

CAPcargo application now on Microsoft AppSource

February 14, 2020 was an important milestone for CAPcargo: Microsoft published the CAPcargo application on their marketplace “AppSource”. Finding out, whether there is a good fitting application for the own business need is often a big challenge and sometimes comes close like looking for the needle in the haystack. For business applications, Microsoft is [...]

CAPcargo application now on Microsoft AppSource2021-09-28T07:30:10+02:00

CAPcargo driver app bald am Start

Wenn Kundenfragen zu neuen Entwicklungen führen – Das CAPcargo Driver app Wir haben die gleiche Frage von Kunden immer und immer wieder gehört: «Wieso bietet ihr nicht ein eigenes Fahrer App an? Weisst du, nicht ein grosses Fleet Management System, wir müssen nicht den Motor überwachen, einfach um Aufträge zu [...]

CAPcargo driver app bald am Start2021-09-28T07:46:37+02:00

CAPcargo Privacy Policy

Based on Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and the data protection regulations of the Federal Government (Data Protection Act, DSG) and in accordance with GDPR, every person is entitled to protection of their privacy and to protection against misuse of their personal data. We comply with these terms. Personal data will be [...]

CAPcargo Privacy Policy2021-09-28T07:50:23+02:00
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