TopicTitle & DetailsRelease MonthTask typeADO ID
Upgrade to PTV xServer 2.28

With this release it is necessary to use PTV xServer 2.28.

Please note:
- In case that PTV xServer is hosted by CAPcargo, then only redirection to new xServer 2.28 urls is needed (which is to be coordinated with project responsible CAPcargo consultant).
- In case that PTV xServer is hosted on-premise, please ensure that the installation is upgraded to 2.28 (together with 2.28 API) and that necessary xServer configuration adjustments are done, in case the premium features are to be used.

See as well:

2023-03New feature94331
Dispatching and confirmation
Transport parameter 'Tour sequence optimization in real-time' is now respected in three additional processes

Transport parameter 'Tour sequence optimization in real-time' is now respected in following additional processes:
- Drag & drop transport legs from GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen to GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen, without holding CTRL-key
- Drag & drop transport legs from GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen to GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen, when holding CTRL-key
- Drag & drop transport legs from GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen to GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen, when holding CTRL-key

2023-03New feature94049
New feature: logging of PTV xServer requests & responses

Previously, the background interaction with PTV xServer (ie. requests and responses) was not easily accessible, the logs were available only in the PTV xServer management console. This was improved and requests & responses are newly accessible also directly in D365.

Key characteristics:
- Logging has to be enabled for each xServer component in main TMS parameters (in 'Geo services' section, in xServer parameter, in new section 'Geo service log'
- Log is accessible in CAPcargo Transport Menu ->Inquiries -> Geo services log
- Log can be downloaded via 'Download content data' in 'Geo services log' form

Please note:
- The logging of PTV xServer requests & responses (in D365) should be enabled only temporarily (eg. for troubleshooting); it is not intended to be enabled (and to keep logging all the requests/responses) for longer time. As the logging can produce quite significant amount of data that could have negative performance impact on D365 database.

2023-03New feature91225
Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of GPB gantt screens: Dynamic text/title configuration of bars and Y-axis

The texts within a Gantt bar, such as the texts on the Y-axis can be configured individually in a new configuration rule set (accessible in main menu CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> GPB -> Template GS configuration). Several rules can be defined and stored behind a transport type, meaning, layout/texting can be different per transport type.

The setup requires technical skills, it's based on data sources and field names, the help labels support the administrator in setting it up. For now, the feature supports 2 variants of layout: one for bars with more space (zoomed-in) and one for bars with less space (zoomed-out). Hence the texts/title in the bars dynamically adjust to the available space. Currently data are available from tour, tour stops and resources.

It's planned to enrich the feature further.

2023-03New feature94113
Dispatching and confirmation
GPB 'Resource Dispatching' enhancement of vehicle / driver unavailability visualization (and introducing 'Driver shifts')

Previously, recently introduced vehicle / driver unavailability was by default directly not visible in the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen, and users had to use the dedicated filter 'Resource unavailability', to actually visualize one single unavailability type (aka. one 'Reason for resource unavailability'). This turned out to be not so useful, as it was rather expected to visualize more unavailability types (or just filter on single one). Hence it was improved.

Key characteristics:
- New checkbox 'Driver shift' was added to the 'Reasons for resource unavailability', to be able to specify which unavailability reason(s) represent the driver shifts.
- New dedicated checkbox filter 'Driver shift' was added to the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen (by default the filter is not set), to be able to filter on all driver shifts (ie. on all 'Reasons for resource unavailability' that have 'Driver shift' activated).
- The default filtering of GPB 'Resource Dispatching' was altered, to initially show also all unavailabilities that are not the 'Driver shift'.

2023-03New feature93626
Dispatching and confirmation
Route visualisation improvement in GPB map screen (when zoomed in/out)

Previously, when zooming in/out in GPB map screen, the route visualization was also "zoomed in/out". This was not user friendly, especially when zooming in, as the route highlight was looking disproportional (and occupying too much screen space). The visualization was thus improved, route highlight width is not being affected by zooming in/out - it keeps the original width.

2023-03New feature93577
Geo-servicesVisualization of traffic incidents on GPB map is not anymore shown in grey colour but is highlighted in red colour2023-03New feature92643
Geo-servicesGPB Map screen now uses different colours to display the selected preferred routes2023-03New feature91389
Better handling of error feedbacks from the PTV xServer

Previously, when some (error) feedback was received from PTV xServer calls, these were just shown on the screen as so called 'stack trace' errors. Such behavior was not user friendly and was quite confusing, as 'stack trace' errors in D365 usually represent some unhandled errors.

Behavior was thus improved, and (error) feedback from PTV xServer calls is now presented in better formatted way, in two parts:
- Main error message is shown directly on the screen, in a nicer formatted way
- In the message details side section, more technical error descriptions are available

2023-03New feature89409
Driver App
Driver app new feature: Payment on delivery

New feature of 'Payment on delivery' was added to the driver app.

Key characteristics:
- New activity type 'Payment on delivery' was added to instruction activity rules
- If activated via instruction activity rule (and tour contains some transport order with some C.O.D amount specified), then new activity appears in driver app tour according to the Position setup of the instruction activity (beginning of activity list / end of activity list). Activity description contains also transport order id and the payment amount (as specified on transport order header). If the activity is mandatory (in Instruction activity setup) then the app user must provide a value (ie. cannot just swipe 0).
- It is not anymore possible to change C.O.D amount on transport order header, once 'Payment on delivery' confirmation exists.
- Following processes are suppressed, when C.O.D amount is specified on transport order:
- Quantity splits on transport legs
- Partial failed pickup registration
- In case of failed delivery, the 'Payment on delivery' is inherited to retry attempts

- This enhancement only provides an information base for drivers (that some payment shall be collected). The handling of real money flow (ie. capturing the payments, issuing a receipts etc) is not covered and has to be handled outside driver app/D365 (eg. by using some card terminal etc.)

2023-03New feature93831
Driver App
Enhancements to the 'Driver can rearrange tour stops' feature

Previously, the tour parameter 'Driver can rearrange tour stops' was always initialized as 'No', and the parameter activation was entirely manual, for every tour. This task introduces an automation option - to initialize the parameter value from master data (ie. either from transport type and/or from driver app user).

Key characteristics:
- New activation parameters:
- In Transport type: 'Driver can rearrange tour stops'
- In Mobile app user: 'Driver can rearrange tour stops'
- When tour is created, system checks the transport type parameter. If it is set to 'Always yes', it will set the field 'Driver can rearrange tour stops' on tour to 'Yes'
- When driver (ie. driver app user) is added to tour, system checks the transport type parameter. If it is set to 'Use driver setting', then the field 'Driver can rearrange tour stops' is re-initialized from the driver
- If more drivers are added, system always re-initializes from the newly added driver. This is the simplest solution.
- Removing driver does not trigger any changes or initialization
- The effective usage in driver app stays unchanged - depending on 'Driver can rearrange tour stops' tour parameter, drivers can (or cannot) adjust the tour stop sequence in the driver app​

2023-03New feature82276
Shipment Builder
Possibility to supress a credit limit check at load building

Previously, a credit limit check was always applied at load building. This turned out to be too rigid, especially for projects that would like to use credit limit check for certain processes (but not for load building). Hence, new parameter 'Check credit limit at load building' was added to main TMS parameters, via which it is possible to manage credit limit check at load building.

2023-03New feature94133
Shipment Builder
Shipment builder redesign - Phase 1.0 (unofficially released)

The shipment builder (bridge between D365 trade orders and CAP transport order) is being redesigned in several phases. In R32, the first phase is included which contains only basic functionality and hence is not yet officially released/supported.
It's linked to a license configuration key which is not allowed to activate in productive environments. CAPcargo rejects all responsibility for using it in production.

2023-03New feature93090
Other / General
'Migration reference' field on transport address is accessible only for system administrators

In some previous TMS release, the 'Migration reference' field was added to transport address table (and also to some data entities), to make it easier to migrate address information from external systems. As the field has no functional purpose in D365, it is newly accessible only for users with system administrator security role.

2023-03New feature94476
Driver App
Improved Dutch translations for driver app related activities

Various improvements on driver app tour activity translations in Dutch language.

2023-03New feature94448
Contact person related fields were added also to TALTransportOrder data entity

Contact person fields (that were added in 91996 in R31 to transport order header) were also added to the TALTransportOrder data entity.

Following fields were added:

2023-03New feature94276
Master data
GUI Default load/unload address field sequence at customer swapped

On the customer master data, default load and unload transport addresses were previously switched (ie. first address was unload, second was load), which was prone to parameterization errors, as on other places (eg. on transport order header etc.) the visualization sequence was always: load -> unload.
Now, the default transport addresses on customer master data are switched to usual logic: load -> unload.

2023-03New feature94272
Master dataPreviously, when copying a vehicle, a new number sequence value was not automatically initialized on the new vehicle even though the number sequence parameterization specifies so2023-03New feature92083
Master dataVehicle description field length was enlarged to 30 characters, and is now consistently respected when creating new vehicle and when copying a vehicle2023-03New feature92080
Option to automatically create TMS address was added to the 'Warehouse current postal addresses V2' data entity

Previously, such option was existing only in 'Party postal address V2' & 'Customer postal addresses' data entities. Now, the 'TALisTransportAddress' field was added also to 'Warehouse current postal addresses V2' data entity.

2023-03New feature91849
Other / General
Data migration task - to delete orphaned price calculations (ie. price calculations without reference to an order line)

Data migration task for 94685.

Data migration task deletes the orphaned price calculations (ie. price calculations without reference to an order line), for all order types.

2023-03Data conversion93912
Dispatching and confirmation
'Depot split' in GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen now works also for multiple selected transport legs (previously only first transport leg was processed)

Additionally, in 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' D365 form, 'Depot split' infolog now also correctly informs when multiple transport legs were processed (previously only first transport leg was included in the infolog).

Geo-servicesIn GPB map screen, the date/time format (in tooltips for Truck-Attributes and Traffic incidents) was not respecting the D365 user parameterization2023-03Bug94187
Dispatching and confirmation
Disappearing resources in GPB 'Resources' screen, after 'Reload master data' button was used

The issue was especially happening when GPB 'Resources' screen was launched in 'Tour Link (Gantt)' mode, and no GPB gantt screen was opened (or was opened but no tour was selected). The issue was corrected and 'Reload master data' button now does not cause the resource disappearance (but reloads the resources again from master data).

Dispatching and confirmation
In certain constellation, no resource groups were displayed in GPB 'Resources' screen

The issue was only happening when some driver group and vehicle group was created with exactly same name.

Driver App
Quantity of automatically created unplanned return order (line) without packages was previously always 0, when return order was registered in driver app

The issue was corrected and quantity of automatically created unplanned return order (line) without packages is now initialized from the quantity, as manually entered in driver app

Driver App
Wrong sequence of activities in tour stop in driver app

The issue was especially happening when 'One load/unload per transport order line' instruction activity rule was activated only for load tour stops, and when multiple transport order lines (and packages) were being unloaded on the same tour stop. Then the sequence of activities on tour stop was sometimes wrong in driver app (eg. duplicate sequence numbers were reported, unload activities were displayed after tour end activity etc.). The issue was corrected.

Driver App
Driver app: Changing tour stop sequence in D365: new tour stop sequence was not shown in driver app

When changing a tour stop sequence in GPB, after the update in driver app, the driver should see the new change with the updated tour stop sequence (marked with yellow stripe where the change of the tour stop sequence was done). This mechanism was previously sometimes malfunctioning and changed tour stop sequence was not reflected in driver app. The issue was corrected.

So the changed tour stop sequence is now displayed in the D365 and in the driver app too.
Planned arrival times is displayed in the driver app.

For comparison:
When changing tour stop sequence in driver app, after the update in driver app, the driver should see the new change with the updated tour stop sequence (marked with yellow stripe where the change of the tour stop sequence was done). This mechanism was behaving correctly.
The changed tour stop sequence will not be displayed in D365, but only in the driver app.

Planned arrival times is not displayed anymore in the driver app.

Driver App
Activity confirmation was sometimes not possible in the driver app

The issue was happening especially when 'One load/unload activity per transport order line' was activated in instruction activity rules, but no barcode scanning rule was set. Then no barcode scanning activity was shown in the driver app, but such loading activity also could not be anyhow confirmed. The issue was corrected and loading/unloading activities (with no barcode scanning activity rule) can be now confirmed by simply swiping off.

Shipment Builder
SCM status was sometimes wrong in the goods management

The issue was especially happening in intercompany direct delivery case, where SCM status was not updated correctly during the picking of the goods (work in progress).

The issue was corrected and SCM status is now shown based on the progress of the work.

Other / GeneralInvoice automation' submenu in CAPcargo Transport was moved to 'Periodic' section (previously was under "T&L order statistics calculation / Cost accounting" submenu, which was misleading)2023-03Bug94685
Master data
Several 'Resource' lookups were not showing resources that had some 'Effective from' / 'Effective till' validity defined (even though the effectiveness was valid)

Examples of malfunctioning 'Resource' lookups:
- 'Resource' lookup in 'Initialize resource availability from calendar' dialog
- 'Driver' lookup on vehicle form
- Lookups on default tour
- Lookups on certificate form
- etc...

Shipment BuilderMissing lookup for 'Service (SLA)' field when field was added to some sales order related form (eg. to return order), via form personalization2023-03Bug94443
Dispatching and confirmation
Transit schedule generate batch - last day was not created

When the transit scheduling batch was run, then for the last day no records were previously generated. This is fixed and schedule for the last day is now also generated.

Shipment Builder
Correction of several shipment builder issues (bulk & non-WHS direct delivery)

Following issues were corrected, in the bulk & non-WHS direct delivery shipment builder area:
- Deliver remainder validation for transfer order was previously more strict, than corresponding validation on sales order. In case of a sales order, the deliver remainder function can be used when a single sales line is in 2 transport legs, and one of the transport legs is already too far in the transportation process from change management perspective (transport type parameter, tour confirmation). The only prerequisite of using it is that the user has to delete the shipment lot quantity, so there is an open quantity that can be used for reducing the inventory transaction.
However, for transfer orders, the previously existing validation did not allow such handling, ie. the delivery remainder functionality could not be used when a single transfer order line was in 2 transport legs, and one of the transport legs was already too far in the transportation process from change management perspective (transport type parameter, tour confirmation). This is now improved, and same delivery remainder functionality can be used across trade orders.
- 'Available to remove' quantity was previously not calculated correctly, when updating remaining quantity on transfer order
- Viewing the order details via 'Order number' reference in CAPcargo Shipment form (in line view) sometimes did not open the correct order (but opened just an empty source order form)

Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
'Cannot edit a record in Sub-contracting transport leg (LTL)..' error, when resetting contracts for LTL orders via 'Contract finding sub-contracting transport leg (LTL) periodic task

The issue was happening especially when some LTL order was using contract version that is not 'date valid' anymore.

No toll costs were generated for the tour

Previously, it was not possible to generate toll costs for the tour, as no tour additional costs were created (even though all necessary parameterization was in place). The issue was corrected.

'TAL Qualification details' data entity - import of static qualification criterion was previously not possible when the same qualification was already existing in the system (but with different static criterion)

The import is now possible and new static criteria are added to previously existing qualification.

IntegrationsTAL Vehicle capacity' data entity - import of vehicle capacity (for the same transport type but for different countries) was previously not possible2023-03Bug94164
Subcontracting/IC invoicing
Contract related fields were previously editable in order controlling form, even though the order was invoiced

The issue was happening especially for transport leg sub-contracting order (LTL), and was corrected.

Driver App
Creation of instruction activity rule 'One load/unload per transport order line' triggered a wrong validation error in some scenarios (that blocked setting up the rule)

When setting up instruction activity rule 'One load/unload per transport order line' there was sometimes a validation error shown:

Transport type 'X' uses 'Carrying resource assignment on package level', which is not compatible with 'One load/unload activity per transport order line'!

The issue was that validation check had a flaw and validation message could have been encountered even when setting up instruction activity rule for entirely different transport type (eg. for transport type 'Y'). The issue was corrected.

Additionally, a small GUI imperfection was also corrected - when setting up instruction activity rule 'One load/unload per transport order line', then 'Position' condition is mandatory (but to be able to specify a 'Position' condition, user first had to deselect 'Per tour stop' level condition (and reselect it again)). The issue was corrected, and 'Position' condition is now selectable immediately when setting up the instruction activity rule 'One load/unload per transport order line'.

Customer order management and pricing
(Non-blocking) stack trace error when selecting manually a contract relation on transport order line

Previously, when selecting manually a contract relation on transport order line, a (non-blocking) stack trace error 'Function CIRTRAAutoInvoiceSplit.validate has been incorrectly called.' was sometimes encountered. The issue happened especially when transport order was part of order collection.

Customer order management and pricing
Orphaned order calculations without any reference to an order line

In case an order was calculated and the user then changed contract, contract version, contract relation or tariff level on an order line, then the calculation flag was simply reset to false. But the order line related order calculation stayed in the system. In the next price calculation process, a new order calculation was created, but the previous (and now obsolete) old order calculation was still existing without any reference to an order line anymore (ie. orphaned order calculation). While such orphaned order calculations did not do any harm (as they were simply ignored), they should not exist.
The issue was corrected by not only resetting calculation flag (when user is changing contract, contract version, contract relation or tariff level on an order line), but also physically deletion of such order line related calculation.
The issue was corrected for all order types.

Customer order management and pricingPreviously, the transport order logging feature (ie. 'Change logs transport order') was not registering the planning value change from 0 to 'non-zero' value2023-03Bug91923