TopicTitle & DetailsRelease MonthTask typeADO ID
Optimizer (Preview/CTP)
Optimizer tourplan release improved validations

Several validations were added to the process of Optimizer tourplan release:
-- when certain existing tours are modified between the moment they are selected for update with additional Transport Legs via Optimizer dispatching and the moment of the update tourplan release, the update process is stopped and user is warned of the fact that initial tour structure has been modified. Such modifications include deleting from tours Transport legs already planned, or adding manually Transport legs.
--- re-release of a tourplan update is not possible anymore, process correctly stops and user is informed (previously process was not stopped, but resulted in potentially significant errors).

2024-05New feature94806
Optimizer (Preview/CTP)
Monetary-based optimization enhanced to consider all resources involved

Previously, when using the monetary-based optimization feature, values in the following fields were considered only as parameterized on the truck (both when dispatching via vehicle group, or resource combination plan):
--Distance cost per kilometer
--Fixed cost per tour
--Travel time cost per hour
This has been enhanced, so that these values will be considered, if filled, on trailer, additional trailer (if defined in resource combination plan), driver, passenger, as a sum of respective fields from all resources.
Consequently, the Driver form has been enhanced with an additional 'Optimizer' tab containing these fields. The Vehicle creation wizard has also been enhanced to allow the user to fill these values in the same creation step.

--After release upgrade, cost setup on vehicles should be evaluated. If costs were previously only managed on trucks, no change is expected. In case trailers also had data in these fields, these values will now be considered in combination with the trucks, resulting in higher cost values and potentially different Optimizer output.
--The new fields on the vehicle type should be reviewed, to provide correct values for future vehicle creation
--Parameterization of cost fields on trailer/driver/passenger is optional, but if done, will be taken in consideration by algorithm.
--No data migration job is considered needed

2024-05New feature94589
Dispatching and confirmation
Gray out 'Change address' from tour stop context menu when changing of address is not allowed

Previously, even if in some constellations, changing of address on tour stop was not allowed (ex. arrival already confirmed on tour stop), the 'Change address' functionality on the tour stop context menu was still available, even though change itself blocked when user confirmed.
Instead, the button is now grayed out, so that user does not need to go anymore through all the steps of changing an address only to realize the action is not allowed.

2024-05New feature106680
Master data
New address type 'E-charging station'

A new address type, 'E-charging station' was implemented both in TAL and GPB Map.

2024-05New feature106490
Dispatching and confirmation
GPB GS tourstart/end on mouseover displayed as 01.01.1900

In very rare data constellations, it was possible to display the tourstart/end date on level 2 tour mouseover as 01.01.01900.

2024-05New feature105218
Dispatching and confirmation
Click on 'Change means of transportation' icon on GPB OS Tr-Leg details does not trigger event

On GPB Order screen Transport leg detail box, there is a clickable icon representing means of transportation for particular leg, but which triggered no event. This was fixed so that, on click, a browser window is open so that user could change means of transportation for selected leg. This is same behavior with OS ribbon>Intermodal traffic>Change means of transportation.

2024-05New feature103512
Dispatching and confirmation
Hyperlink the Tour ID from Transport legs already dispatched to tour and still displayed in GPB Order screen

When Transport legs displayed in GBP order screen were already assigned on a tour, the tour ID was displayed on the Transport leg detail box. This tour ID text was now enhanced, so that user can click on it to open respective tour in Tour Gantt screen (same behavior as if user did right click -> Show Tour in Tour gantt).

2024-05New feature103450
Dispatching and confirmation
Avoid overlap of GUI elements in GPB gantt screens (when resizing screens/windows)

When resizing GPB gantt screens/windows to smaller size, some GUI elements could previously get overlapped with each other. The behavior was especially happening to dedicated filters (above main gantt grid). GUI screen element handling was improved, to avoid such overlaps.

2024-05New feature103363
Dispatching and confirmation
OS/GST: Enhancements to the dispatch sector filter

Previously, the dispatch sector filter in OS/GST only allowed the filtering by a geographical zone defined as a collection of routes as found on transport legs and tours.
This has been enhanced, so that even transport legs/tours which do not have routes could be filtered by using the dispatch sector filter, based on zipcodes found on transport leg points within transport legs/tours.
Thus, the dispatch sector form has also been enhanced to allow also the definition of zipcodes, not just route/zones, to be considered in dispatch sector filtering.
The wizard for zicode generation already in place for route/zone was also brought to the Dispatch sector form, to easily populate the new 'Dispatch sector zipcodes' tab.

The Dispatch sector filter will now display results based on:
-- [OS] Show all transport legs where zip code is defined on the dispatch sector. Furthermore, the dispatch sector was split in two separate filters ('Load dispatch sector' / 'Unload dispatch sector'.
-- [GST] Show any tour which has at least one tourstop address containing a zip code which matches the dispatch sector filter.

2024-05New feature102359
Optimizer (Preview/CTP)
Improve the filtering capabilities of Transport Legs by Optimizer status

Optimizer filter on GPB OS has been enhanced, so that users would be able to differentiate even between Transport legs sent to Optimizer, depending on whether planning was successful or not.
Legs sent and planned continue to be marked with the 'black' OPT wheel.
Legs sent, but which failed to be planned (regardless of reason), are marked now with the same OPT wheel, but in 'red'.

This change applies only when using Optimizer provider 'PTV xTour'.

The Optimizer lookup filter on Worker has also been improved. From the three previous values ('Not sent', 'Sent', 'All'), it has been changed to four ('Not sent', 'Sent and planned', 'Sent and failed to be planned', 'All').
Selecting either 'Not sent' or 'Sent and failed to be planned' will still display both values in GPB OS, and user can further filter directly on column as desired.

Warning: for users who previously set the 'Sent to Optimizer' value on Worker to 'All', during release, this will become 'Sent and failed to be planned'. Please review Worker setting for this field and adjust as needed.

2024-05New feature94311
Dispatching and confirmation
GPB: Enable/Disable ribbon buttons based on no selection/single/multiselection

Depending on user record selection in GPB screens (no record selected / only one record selected / multiple records selected), some of the functions available on the ribbons did not apply. To make this more user-intuitive, buttons have been disabled so that:
-- if no record is selected, only buttons applicable in case of no selection would be enabled (example: OS screen>Optimizer: Dispatch all / Add all to tours).
-- if only one record is selected, all buttons would be enabled
-- if multiple records were selected, only buttons applicable to multiple record selection would be enabled.

2024-05New feature87248
Driver App
Change of mobile app integration schema (important only for projects that do *NOT* use the CAPcargo middleware for mobile apps)

Relevant for customers who don´t use CAPcargo middleware and apps but use the Mobile app D365 integrations with their own app(s).

New fields in Mobile app tour activity (TALdraTourActivityEntity) - used in 104289 "Navigate to address area"

2024-05New feature106494
Driver App
Navigate to address area

Now it's possible to define geo-coordinates for address areas (such as silos, barns) in D365. Same options are available than on addresses: geo-coding via map, geo-coding via image (=upload a photo that has geo-location in its metadata) or manual input.

If coordinates are set, then a navigation icon/button is shown in the correponding Driver app activity. When clicked, the default map app of the device will be opened, pointing to those coordinates.

2024-05New feature104289
Driver App
Increase space for activity description in Activity details and Checklist screens

Font size was reduced and extra vertical space was added to improve display of activity description in Activity details and Checklist screens in the Driver app.

2024-05New feature102681
Master data
Parameter 'Tour stop type' added to Transport address tab 'Activity time per address'

A new parameter was added on Activity lines being defined in the 'Activity time per address' tab on the Transport address.
This new parameter, labeled 'Tour stop type' has several values in lookup (All stops / Tour start / Tour end / Tour start & tour end), selection of which determines on which tour stops the particular Activity will be added.
Default value for this parameter is 'All stops' (which was the default behavior of Activity line before introduction of parameter).

2024-05New feature105120
Customer order management and pricing
New 'Date of locking' field on contracts

New 'Date of locking' field is added to status field group on Contract header to allow for easier filtering/visibility/clarity on locking.

2024-05New feature104926
Master data
Various fields/menuitems missing translations due to hardcoded text as label

Various fields were missing translations in languages other than en-us, due to hardcoded text, instead of proper labeling.

2024-05New feature104751
Dispatching and confirmation
Display names of driver/passenger next to corresponding ID's in the 'Create new tour' form

In the 'Create new tour' form, only the resource ID's of Driver and Passenger were shown. To improve usability, display fields have been added next to these resource ID's, so that the actual names of the Human resources selected would be displayed.

2024-05New feature104356
Dispatching and confirmation
Tour start/end address is now initialized based on transport type of the transport legs (previously: the transport type of the worker filter was sometimes used)

Previously, when user had a certain Transport Type set on the Worker Filter initialization, if transport legs of a different TT than the one on the worker filter were drag&dropped on GS without holding CTRL key, the newly created tour would take the TT from the TrLegs, but would initialize tourstart/end addresses based on parameterization found on the Worker filter TT, instead of the TrLegs TT. Similarly, if transport legs of a different TT than the one on the worker filter were dragged&dropped on GS while holding CTRL key, the 'Create new tour' form would correctly initialize the TT to be used for new tour creation, but wrongly initialize the tourstart/end addresses from the Worker filter TT.
Behavior has been now corrected, so that the TT defined on the Worker Filter initialization would not play a role anymore in the tourstart/end initalization of addresses on new tours.

2024-05New feature104326
Master data
Enhanced validation of 'From'/'Till' fields combinations in various processes

The 'From'/'Till' field combinations appear in several locations/processes, and were vulnerable to user entry mistakes ('From'>'Till').

No change was done to the following acceptable From-Till combinations:
-- From = 00:00 + Till = 00:00 (means ‘anytime’)
-- From = 00:00 + Till > 00:00 (means ‘anytimeuntil this time’)
-- From > 00:00 + Till = 00:00 (means ‘anytimeafter this time’)
-- From > 00:00 + Till >00:00 AND From <=Till (means ‘anytime between From and Till times’)

Validation was added to this not acceptable combination (From > 00:00 + Till >00:00 AND From > Till) in various locations/processes:
-- Transport order import
-- Transport order creation wizard
-- Updating of fields on existing Transport order (directly in the fields, or via 'Change date/time' functionality)
-- Copy order
-- Change rough plan date
-- Default order
-- Transport address creation wizard
-- Transport address editing
-- Change time window/appointment

2024-05New feature104225
Customer order management and pricing
New report 'Proof of Delivery' introduced on Transport Order

A new report, labeled 'Proof of Delivery', has been introduced as a new menuitem to the Print section of the Transport Order ribbon.
This report can be parameterized for initialization from new parameters on Customer ('Requests PoD' - this defines whether recipient should get a PoD) and on Transport type (Requests PoD for 'Customer' / 'Load address' / 'Unload address' - defines who should be a recipient of the PoD).
The language of the report is taken from the customer on the transport order.
All 'Requests PoD' flags are placed on Transport order header>Setup tab, as initialized from Customer, respectively Transport type.
Various details of the report layout (logo, lines etc.) can be provided by project consultant, as needed.
New parameter has been introduced in Transport Parameters>Dispatching, labeled 'Recipient name activity', to parameterize activity used to capture the name of the recipient to be displayed on the report.
Report is generated only after entire Transport order is delivered.
The status message setup form Recipient field has also been enhanced with enum values 'Load contact' and 'Unload contact'.

The report can be triggered to be sent as email attachment to the customer/load/unload email address of contact on transport order.

2024-05New feature103912
Customer order management and pricing
Reduction value field on Surcharges form enhanced to accept positive numbers with up to 2 decimals

Previously, the field only accepted integers.

2024-05New feature103780
Master data
Additional fields and form restructuring on Vehicle masterdata / Vehicle type / Vehicle creation wizard

The following new fields have been added to the Vehicle masterdata/Vehicle type/Vehicle wizard forms:
-- Engine type
-- Transmission
-- Fuel type
-- Adblue

Additionally, a 'Cost' summary tab was introduced on Vehicle masterdata/Vehicle type forms, and several fields were assigned to their logical groupings/tabs.
The vehicle creation wizard's 'Technical data' step was also adjusted to mirror the field moves done on aforementioned forms.

2024-05New feature103575
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Disable menuitems for Tour and GPB Tour dispatching on Subcontracting order ribbon

In the cases of subcontracting orders of types 'TrLeg without tour' (direct subcontracting) OR 'Tr-order', there is no link to any tour available, so the menuitems for 'Tour' and 'GPB Tour dispatching' from the Subcontracting order ribbon>View details section are being greyed automatically in these specific subcontracting cases.

2024-05New feature103447
Dispatching and confirmation
Stricter validation for changing tour stop address (including tour start / end address)

Previously, it was possible to change tour stop addresses (including tour start/end addresses) via existing functionalities (GPB>rightclick on tour stop>Change address; GPB>Dispatching>Dispatch>Init tour start/end address; TRO grid>Transport order>Maintain>Change address)) even when some confirmation already existed on the tour stop (ex. Arrival confirmed).
This has now been corrected. Also, the tour start address cannot be changed anymore when tour has been already sent to Driver app.

2024-05New feature103406
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Resource subcontracting order lines display enhanced in case of tour order line quantity split

When a Transport order with multiple lines was dispatched to a tour subcontracted via Resource (FTL), the resource subcontracting order would just show the text 'multiple' on the unique subcontracting order line.
This display has now been enhanced so that, in case of a transport quantity split (Keep/Remove/Partial), IF only one line from respective TRO would remain allocated to that subcontracting order, instead of the word 'multiple' for Transport Unit and Commodity, the actual transport quantity/transport unit/commodity would be displayed.
The tariff quantities/units have worked and continue to work according to the actual correct background splits.

2024-05New feature103343
Other / General
Ensure buttons are utilizing menu items, so button visibility could be controlled via security roles

The following buttons are now utilizing menu items, thus able to be linked to security roles (control of their visibility):
-- Offer to order
-- Address on map
-- Close pre-order
-- Create new packages for all order lines
-- New collective order
-- Conflict analysis
-- Confirm without dispatching
-- Undo confirmation
-- Confirm directly

2024-05New feature103078
Additional fields added to TALrpResourceCombinationPlanDetailEntity

Some fields from the resource combination plan form had not been added to TALrpResourceCombinationPlanDetailEntity entity, thus not importable. This was now fixed for fields:
-- Additional trailer
-- Fixed break duration
-- Fixed break period start
-- Fixed break period end

2024-05New feature102892
Dispatching and confirmation
Add confirmation dialog when using 'Remove cross dock' functionality

When user pressed 'Remove cross dock' menuitem (in DispLight TrLegs or in GPB OS), the action was triggered immediately, without further warning. A dialog has now been introduced, asking user "Are you sure you want to remove the cross docking from the selected leg(s)?"

2024-05New feature102251
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Improve mechanism of finding and handling resources on tour for auto-creation of Tr-Leg subcontracting orders

In certain setup constellations (ex. drag&dropping one tourstop from an existing TrLeg subcontracted tour to another, using same vendor), a new subcontracting order was not always properly created. This was now fixed.

2024-05New feature101023
Customer order management and pricing
Implement time windows on Transport order functionality 'Copy order'

When time windows are used on Transport orders, they are also brought as display methods into the 'Copy order' form. The From/Till fields are now also adjusted to be editable/non-editable, depending on the type of time windows used.

2024-05New feature99227
Customer order management and pricing
Create overview for tariff surcharge groups

An easily accessible overview of all tariff surcharge groups and their locations on contract/contract version/contract relation was created, with separate menuitem in CAPCargo Transport>Setup>Tariffs-Conditioning>Surcharges.

2024-05New feature86825
Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: Vehicles not being in a vehicle group are not supposed to be used in GPB

By design, only D365 resources (WrkCtr) existing as CAP vehicles and being part of a CAP vehicle group are supposed to be used in GPB. Like this, we don't need to load too many data of resources which are not relevant for TMS. - This works well in RS, where vehicles are shown by vehicle group.

After a similar issue was fixed in R18, we found, that since R40 in Gantt-Screen-Resource (GSR) also vehicles which are not in a vehicle group are listed again; this is wrong according to the current design. Since GPB does not pre-load the needed master data of such vehicles, dispatching orders to such vehicles (by new function drag&drop from OS to GSR) can lead to corrupt data and unstable situations, due to missing detail data .

Specific example:
By moving a tour from Res 1 to Res2, where Res2 is not in a vehicle-group, it happens, that a resource leg is created without WrkCtrID, because those detail/master data were missing.

2024-05Known issue107114
Driver App
KNOWN ISSUE: Mobile app attachments not working with Microsoft update 10.0.40

There’s a known issue with Mobile apps attachment handling if Microsoft update 10.0.40 is installed. It impacts Driver app and Truck loading app. If attachments are used with Mobile apps (pictures from D365 to the apps, or pictures/signatures from app to D365), Microsoft update 10.0.40 should not be installed! We are working on a solution to this issue.

2024-05Known issue107078
Customer order management and pricing
KNOWN ISSUE: T&T status message email status not changed after sent via email

When a T&T status message is sent via email, its Sent message status should be set to Sent if the email was sent successfully or Error if it failed. Currently, the Sent message status is Created which is not correct.

This issue doesn't happen in all systems and at this point we haven't been able to identify the cause.

2024-05Known issue106694
Other / General
Data conversion: Corrupt zip code data in LogisticsPostalAddress

Find and update LogisticsPostalAddress records where ZipCode and ZipCodeRecId are not pointing to the same zip code. We trust the value in ZipCode field and will update ZipCodeRecId correspondingly by finding LogisticsAddressZipCode record where country, city and zip code match the values in LogisticsPostalAddress.

2024-05Data conversion107027
Other / General
Initialize Means of Transportation (MoT) on Transport legs without MoT

Purpose of this data migration job is to complete the previous release's data migration job on same topic (103523). In previous data migration job, only the Means of Transportation (MoT) on Transport orders was filled in as appropriately. This data migration job considers the Transport legs not dispatched yet in a tour, with MoT blank value, and where the corresponding Transport order does have an MoT.

2024-05Data conversion106388
Other / General
Data migration task - to repopulate the 'new' reduction value field on Surcharges form with existing values in old field

Datamigration task for 103780

Sincethe Reduction value field on Surcharges form essentially had to be changed (inorder to provide the enhancement from whole numbers to numbers withdecimals), this data migration takes the existing values in the old field (>0) and populates them to the new field.

2024-05Data conversion103891
Process differences related to score validation in manual geocoding vs the same validation via batch

When geo-coordinating addresses by using batch, the correct logic was used: If PTV response of TOTAL score provides 100% match, then also check the TMS parameters for the single scores of all address elements (zip, city, state, etc). If these single scores are also fulfilled (while also respecting the other parameters like "Min. total score geocoding", "Use best geocoding score" etc.), then classify the address as "fulfilled" (-->Geo-coding failed = False).

When geo-coordinating addresses manually, the second step (checking of TMS parameters for the single scores of all address elements) was skipped.

This could then lead to discrepancies (the same address could not be geo-coordinated by batch, but still doable manually), which was wrong. Manual process was fixed and aligned with batch process.

Optimizer (Preview/CTP)
Warning wrongly displayed and logged during tourplan release

Warning 'Load leg point from order %1 was changed by another process. Please re-run the optimizer process.' was wrongly displayed and logged during tourplan release in certain data constellation ('happy flow').

Optimizer (Preview/CTP)
Warning of overlapping resources displayed when released tour starts at the very second the existing tour ends

When Optimizer is able to plan perfectly (so that in the very second when one existing tour ends, the next planned tour begins), the release action of such tourplan from Optimizer would display and log a warning regarding overlapping resources between tours. In this case, there should not be such a warning. Consequently, this is now fixed.

Optimizer (Preview/CTP)
'Effective from/Effective till' fields check not properly done in the right step of Optimizer dispatching

One or more resources involved in Optimizer dispatching (using vehicle groups or resource combination plan) may be ineffective on planning date due to values entered on Effective from/Effective fields on respective resources.
The optimization process flagged the issues too late (during tourplan release stage) or not at all (for driver effectiveness). This was fixed, so that user is informed upfront about which resources may not be effective at date of planning.
If none of the resources (or resource combinations) are effective on planning date, process stops and informs the user.

Optimizer (Preview/CTP)
Certain activity durations inserted incorrectly on tourstops in Optimizer tourplan vs actual TMS tour

In certain constellations of load/unload/tourstart/tourstop addresses and activities defined on transport address in Waiting time and/or Activity time per address tabs, certain durations were either wrongly interpreted by Optimizer or correctly interpreted (given Optimizer limitations on tourstart/end address activities) but not flagged appropriately to the user. This was now fixed, so that, in case Optimizer is not able to consider in tourplanning an activity duration which is by default inserted on a tourstop by the TMS tour (during tourplan release), a warning is logged with text "Fixed activity time defined on Tour Start/Stop address is not taken into consideration in the optimizer tour. However, the same fixed time is applied on the TMS tour."

Dispatching and confirmation
Tour stop address change still possible in GSR when some confirmation already exists

In Gantt Resource Dispatching screen, it was still possible to change an address of a tour stop (tourstart/end/tourstop other than load/unload) via tourstop rightclick/change address functionality when some confirmation (partial or complete) already existed. Such change was already properly prevented in Gantt Tour, and the correct behavior was implemented in GSR as well.

Dispatching and confirmation
Multiselect in GPB Resource Dispatching screen custom button not working, only first record is considered

In GPB GST, if multiple records are selected, all Id's were properly considered when using custom buttons (ex. custom report printing). In GSR, the same functionality only considered one of the selected records. Behavior was fixed to match GST.

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB Order Screen filter counter area not properly aligned to right side of form

The GPB Order Screen filter counter area was not properly aligned to the right side of the form. If no (or few) order lines were selected, the whole area was properly displayed. The more orders were filtered and selected (which made the filter counter size bigger), the more the whole area shifted to the right, thus gradually hiding the 'Clear filter' button or even more of the whole area.
This has been fixed, so that the right side is fixed, and any increase in the filter counter area (due to order filtering/selection) is displayed further to the left.

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB Order Screen: 'Change rough plan date' does not work with multiple Transport legs selection

Function 'Change rough plan date' in the GPB Order Screen changed the rough plan date only on the first Transport leg in a selection of multiple legs. This regression has been fixed, so that the rough plan date is properly changed for ALL legs in selection.

Dispatching and confirmation
Warning regarding tour not being released to depot shown in TAL, but not in GPB

In the certain setup dispatching constellation when user attempted to release the tour but process was cancelled, a specific infolog was displayed in TAL regarding the fact that the respective tour could not be released to depot.
However, if the same process was also performed from GPB, the expected infolog was not displayed at all.
GPB behavior in such a scenario has now been aligned with TAL, and infolog is properly displayed.

Dispatching and confirmation
Tourstop activities generated from instruction activity rules are not always immediately visible in GS

In certain sequence of clicks, some tourstop activities generated from instruction activity rules were not immediately visible in GSR/GST when creating a new tour, even though properly generated on tourstop.

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB Order Screen: Block Generate tour from transport leg and Drag&drop of leg to tour if leg is already in a tour

Previously, for transport legs already in a tour or subcontracted directly without a tour, it was still possible to:
-- use the 'Generate tour from transport leg' function on OS details context menu
-- drag&drop leg as selected in OS details onto a GS screen to create new tour or add it to existing tour

In such constellations, the 'Generate tour from transport leg' function has now been disabled in the context menu and drag&drop is not allowed any more.

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB app crashes with error 'The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.'

In rare constellations, the GPB app would crash with error 'The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.' A solution to prevent such occurences has been implemented.

Dispatching and confirmation
In GPB Order Screen, the 'Delete' key visually removes selected Transport legs

In GPB Order Screen, if user selected one or more Transport legs and pressed the 'Delete' key, the selected legs would be visually removed (visible again after a full OS refresh). Solution is to disable the 'Delete' key from having any effect on the Transport leg selection.

Driver App
"Show tour stop address on map" not functional with TomTom maps

"Show tour stop address on map" was not functional anymore in Driver app on devices using TomTom maps after recent version upgrades.

Driver App
Driver app attachments not working - DLL version issue

Microsoft update 10.0.39 together with some other ISV solutions than CAPcargo solution could lead to a situation where Driver app attachment integrations did not work. This was solved by adjusting versions of Azure integration libraries (DLL files) in CAPcargo solution, and adding some new Azure integration libraries.

Note: this solution doesn't work with Microsoft update 10.0.40. Therefore Microsoft 10.0.40 should not be installed until CAPcargo has solved the issue.

The current solution will be replaced in the near future with a new integration that doesn't have dependency to Microsoft libraries.

Driver App
Fix issues with "Driver can rearrange tour stops" feature

In some constellations tour stops might disappear from the list after the driver had rearranged them. And other stops might lead to "gray screen" when clicked, instead of displaying the tour stop details.

Driver App
Order references wrongly shown in Driver app

Sender reference and Loading reference are now shown only on the pickup, and Receiver reference and Unloading reference are shown only on the delivery stop. Previously they were shown on all load/unload stops (=also in cross-docking).

Driver App
"Clean up Mobile app tours" doesn´t work if the TMS tour has been deleted

Now the clean-up batch will always remove all "orphan" Mobile app tours (=TMS tour doesn't exist anymore).

Shipment Builder
Picking status incorrect if warehouse and transport company are different

When the warehouse and transport company were different, the tour SCM status and transport leg SCM status indicated that Packing slip posted. However, this should have been the case only when Warehouse work was finished.

Shipment Builder
Automated packing slip posting was sometimes not performed (for the sales order)

In very rare setup constellations, the standard packing slip posting was not properly done automatically for the sales order for the quantity on the purchase order product receipt.

Shipment Builder
[Shi-build v2] 'Further packages expected' flag incorrectly set on direct delivery transport order

Flag 'Further packages expected' was incorrectly set to 'Yes' on direct delivery transport order line.
The incorrect behavior was corrected in both v2 and v3 of Shipment builder.

Shipment Builder
Goods management: Sales return order number hyperlink does not open related order

In the Goods management form, the field Number in the Shipment lot details is a hyperlink which, when clicked, should open the related order.
In case the order type is a Sales return order, this hyperlink did not open related order, which was not fixed.

Shipment Builder
Not possible to register pending vendor invoices

Pending vendor invoices could not be booked anymore, because certain fields were added to HeaderToLineUpdate handler on purchase order, but not into convertPurchTableFieldToVendInvoice delegate.

Shipment Builder
[Shi-build v3] Date change on transfer order header not respecting Transport type setup

Shipment builder parameterization on Transport type related to changing of load dates on existing shipments was not respected when the date change was done on the transfer order load header (ex. TT parameter = None, but change on header was still allowed). This was fixed and aligned to proper behavior when update done on order line.

Shipment Builder
Issues with adding SLA to sales return order and removing it from transportation

Two separate issues were fixed:
-- adding an SLA to a sales return order within the 'Create/Update transport order' dialog was not possible, process was wrongly stopped, even when all information entered was actually valid
-- removing a sales order return from transportation by using the 'Remove from transportation' button was not stopped due to some wrong validations.

Shipment Builder
Incorrect address is shown in the infolog message when load/unload address is updated

Previously, after changing load/unload address on a sales order and updating the corresponding transport order, the message which informed the user about the change wrongly showed the 'changed to' address also in the 'changed from' part of the infolog.

Master data
Not possible to create a driver using the Driver creation wizard without setting it as Driver app user

In the previous release, a new step was introduced in the Driver creation wizard, 'Mobile app user'. This step, however, was designed as mandatory, and it was not possible to create a driver without also creating a mobile app user.
This has now been corrected, so that the 'Identification provider' and 'User Id' fields in this step are mandatory only if at least one of the flags 'Driver app' and 'Truck loading app' is set to Yes. If both flags are set to 'No', step can be skipped altogether, and no mobile app user is created for the new driver.

Corrupt zip code data in LogisticsPostalAddress

If a postal address is updated from an address suggestion from PTV geo services, the updated address might have wrong data in ZipCodeRecId field. This happens if the selected address suggestion has different zip code than the one that was originally used in the address. Our code which updates the address from the suggstion did not update ZipCodeRecId field, now it does. There's also a data correction job to find and fix existing address data that has this issue.

We believe that it's unlikely that the data issue would impact business processes.

Dispatching and confirmation
Latitude and Longitude fields in wrong sequence in Package confirmation form

On package confirmation form within the Tour confirmation, the Longitude fields was visually placed on the form before (above) the Latitude field, making the display inconsistent with the other locations within the module where geocoordinates fields were displayed.
The Latitude field is now first visually, followed by Longitude.

Master data
Error related to vehicle qualifications stops vehicle creation process via Vehicle wizard

If while using the vehicle creation wizard to create a new vehicle, user adds at least one of the qualifications already existing on the vehicle type, then process fails with error 'Cannot create a record in Vehicle qualifications (CIRTRAVehicleQual). Vehicle: %1. The record already exists.'
Solution implemented was to already display to the user during vehicle creation via Vehicle wizard the qualifications already initialized from Vehicle type, in order to avoid any potential duplicates, which would then lead to aforementioned error.

Customer order management and pricing
Transport order>Package>Button "Create new packages for all order lines" throws error when used, no packages created

When button "Create new packages for all order lines" (found on Transport Order>Package) was used, no packages were actually created for the order lines, and error 'Field Package unit must be filled in' was thrown.

This was now fixed to properly create packages for all transport order lines both when Transport parameter for package management 'Inherit package unit from transport unit' was set to True or when set to False.

Master data
Error preventing vehicle copy due to existing qualifications on both vehicle and vehicle type

If at least one qualification was defined both on the vehicle type and on the to-be-copied vehicle linked to that vehicle type, then the 'Copy vehicle' function would fail with error 'Cannot create a record in Vehicle qualifications (CIRTRAVehicleQual). Vehicle: %1. The record already exists.'. This was fixed, so that only the qualifications defined on the to-be-copied vehicle would be written to the new vehicle, with no further initialization of qualifications from the vehicle type.

Customer order management and pricing
"Creation date" format in T&T messages does not respect the date/time format of language defined in status message setup

Previously, the 'creation date' format in Track&Trace messages always followed the en-us format (mm/dd), regardless of actual language setup in 'Status message setup' form.

Customer order management and pricing
Status message not always sent to the proper recipient, as defined by email purpose

When sending a Status message, the following sequence for finding the proper email address is implemented:
-- Contact person email with purpose setup on status message
-- If nothing found, then Transport order contact email address
Previously, the first step in this sequence was not respected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Appointment time displayed in wrong format in Tour Report

In Tour Report, the Appointment time was wrongly displayed as "raw" value (= seconds since midnight). This was fixed, so the display of the appointment time would follow the proper HH:MM format instead.

Customer order management and pricing
Wrong label used in Track&Trace status message template line

Label 'Order line' was misleading as it was used in "LineId" field of Track&Trace status message template line.
This field is actually used for sorting the lines within a template. Thus, the label has been changed to 'Sequence' (data type of field not changed).

Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
List opened by menuitem 'Subcontracting order' from DispLight Trlegs (Direct Subcontracting) shows the 'Tr-order subcontracting' orders

The list opened by menuitem 'Subcontracting order' from DispLight Trlegs (grouping 'Direct Subcontracting') has been fixed to only show those subcontracting orders of type 'Tr-Leg subcontracting' without tour.

Customer order management and pricing
Track&Trace message generated regardless of whether a substitution contact was defined for the period or not

A T&T message was always generated if setup in the T&T message setup, even though it should have been generated only when a substitution record was defined for the particular period.

Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Deleting a line from TRO (subcontracted directly or via TrLeg subco) does not set 'Calculated' flag to 'false' on the corresponding TRO/TrLeg subcontracting order

This is one of the topics of KNOWN ISSUE 104718 (R40).
The 'Calculated' flag on subcontracting order (both header and line, subcontracted directly or via Tr-Leg subcontracting) is now reset to 'false' as soon as a line is deleted (or added) on the corresponding Transport Order.

Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Deleting a line from a subcontracted TRO does not properly delete the corresponding line from the TRO/TrLeg subcontracting order

This is one of the topics of KNOWN ISSUE 104718 (R40).

When a Transport order was subcontracted (directly from TRO, or via direct Transport Leg subcontracting, or via TrLeg subcontracting tour) having multiple lines, and then (at least) one of those lines was deleted, the corresponding line on the subcontracting order was also deleted, but the respective order calculation was not reset. This was now fixed.

Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Cost from 'Direct subcontracting TrLeg (without tour)' subcontracting order is not visible in 'Statistics cost/revenue split (posted)' form

This is one of the topics of KNOWN ISSUE 104718 (R40), and it has been fixed.

Dispatching and confirmation
Editing of tour empties on outflow not possible

Previously, the editing of tour empties on outflow (at address) was not possible during tour confirmation. The issue has been fixed, so that both inflow and outflow fields are now editable on load and unload line.

Customer order management and pricing
Changing roughplan date to a date outside of the interval defined on TRO gives potentially wrong warning regarding crossdocking

When the Transport type parameter 'TRO controls/impacts rough planning' was set to true, the change of the roughplan date to a date outside of the interval defined on TRO triggered error containing text "The unload date from transport order %1 cannot be respected for rough planning (as requested by parameter ‘TO controls rough planning’) since cross docking was planned which leads to a later unloading date! Please check rough planning.". This warning was however displayed even though crossdocking was not always planned (direct TrLeg).

The process of changing the roughplan date was thus refined to properly check whether indeed a crossdocking or some other type of change triggered such warning and display the appropriate message.

Subcontracting/IC invoicing
Invoice automation setup wizard on Vendor wrongly creates rule on customer side

When using the invoice automation setup wizard to create an invoice automation setup rule on Vendor side, the wizard wrongly created a rule with origin 'Customer', but using the actual Vendor ID in the customer field.

Decreased performance of tourline exports to PowerBI

In order to solve the timeout issues with large data volumes of tour line exports in PowerBI, some performance-heavy virtual fields were moved to separate entities, away from TAL Tour line entity.

Dispatching and confirmation
Editing geocoordinates in package confirmation form is not possible

In the package confirmation form within Tour confirmation, the fields for geocoordinates were not editable, with no way to adjust them, if needed.
A new button, labeled 'Correct coordinates', has been introduced in the form header, so that user can manually introduce/correct the values in the two fields. The new function is then disabled after package is confirmed.

Dispatching and confirmation
Conflict 160 causes an error in opening conflict analysis form

When conflict ID=160 was set to any conflict level other than 'None', the conflict analysis form could not open anymore, and an unrelated error was possibly displayed.

Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Error when refreshing Subcontracting order page

When user accessed a subcontracting order detail page, and then tried to refresh it (either by pressing F5 or, in case of page timeout with warning 'Session ended' was displayed, by pressing the 'Start new session' button) ' Error "Error executing code: object does not have method 'args'." was displayed.

The refresh in such cases now takes user correctly back to the Subcontracting order list page.

Customer order management and pricing
Contract Tab fields on TRO line details not properly displayed after 'Spot price' calculation done on TRO

Previously, on Transport order Line details, after using 'Spot price' function, in Contract tab, all fields related to pricing calculation were properly populated, but content not properly displayed. An additional manual refresh of the Transport order form was needed for of all fields' content to be made visible.
The form has now been fixed to display correctly the content of all fields as soon as the price calculation process is finished, without the need of any additional manual refresh of the form.

Dispatching and confirmation
Conflict analysis of multiple tours in GPB not possible

When multiple tours were selected, conflict analysis was not allowed when triggered from GPB (only from DispTour Light).
Similarly, when release of multiple tours was done via process button, only the conflict analysis result for the first tour in the selection was displayed.
This was now fixed, so that in both cases, conflict analysis can run across multiple tours, and display the results from all tours within the same form.

Customer order management and pricing
Wrong column and label name in 'On-call list' for passenger name

In the 'On-call list' form, the passenger name (first and last) is now shown correctly in one column, with correct label. Previously, first and last names were split in separate columns.

Dispatching and confirmation
Conflict "Resource - vehicle type not allowed for address" not triggered on all Transport Types

In some data constellations, the conflict 'Resource - vehicle type not allowed for address' was not properly displayed for all resources involved, even if the vehicle type was correctly setup on the transport address as 'Not accepted vehicle types'.

Dispatching and confirmation
ETD not calculated when ETA is defined on a tourstop without any other activity

Previously, if Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) was manually defined on a tourstop which contained NO activity at all, the Estimated Time of Departure (ETD) was not calculated based on ETA, but taken from the planned time of departure. This was fixed so that ETD is calculated based on manual ETA + activity duration (or if no activity defined, ETA + 0).

Customer order management and pricing
Tariff unit is not updated on Transport/Subcontracting orders when changing contracts on Order controlling form

On Order controlling form, contract/contract version/contract relation can be changed, thus leading to potentially different tariff unit(s). Previously, when such change was made, the tariff unit was not correctly updated on the Transport/Subcontracting order, based on new values of contract/contract version/contract relation. This wrong behavior was now corrected.

Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
CAPcargo Transport>Reports>Subcontracting>Subcontracting Overview menuitem leads to a page "Under construction"

This menuitem was permanently removed.

Dispatching and confirmation
Transport leg scheduling from tour for successor legs sometimes wrongly updating current unload leg point as well

The function 'rough scheduling (transport leg)' called on a tour stop is supposed to re-schedule the successor transport legs of this tour stop (if any). Purpose: If this tour is delayed, the successor legs shall be postpone/rescheduled.

The following bug was fixed:
2 legs, +1 day cross dock
- Leg 1: Load 7.2. / Unload 7.2.
- Leg 2: Load 8.2. / Unload 8.2.

Put first let in tour and move tour to 8.2. (tour gets delayed)
Use above mentioned function:
- Leg 1: Load 7.2. / Unload 7.2.
→ Leg (=rough scheduling) not to be updated, as the tour's execution date (=detail scheduling) stores 8.2. => this was wrong, the rough scheduling was overwritten with the detail scheduling
- Leg 2: Load 8.2. / Unload 8.2.
→ to be updated to 8.2., this is the rough scheduling of the successor leg => here all was OK.

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB OS data loading performance when showing data behind complex relations

Several enhancements have been delivered in the background, so that the GPB Order screen data loading performance would be significantly improved when display of certain columns with complex relations behind is requested.

In this release the empties quantity & unit related fields are pre-calculated during dispatching operations, instead of calculated in real time when GPB loads the data. Pre-calculation is off by default (which also will prevent adding the empties related fields to OS) and can be enabled in GPB parameters:
- Go to Transport orders / -legs tab
- Enable "Show empties quantities and units in OS"
- Click "Calculate empties values" button. This will calculate these fields in all pre-dispatched legs (=legs which are not yet in a tour). This initial calculation needs to be done just one time after enabling the feature and it only updates the legs that exist at that time. All upcoming legs will be automatically calculated when they're pre-dispatched or changed.

2024-05New feature104507
Master data
KNOWN ISSUE: Driver creation via wizard cannot be completed if Driver app config key is not enabled

Driver creation wizard process cannot be completed if CAPcargo Driver app license is not installed and configuration key enabled.
Known issue will be fixed in R41.1

2024-05Know issue107277
Master data
KNOWN ISSUE Employees/Workers form can't be opened if Optimizer config key is not enabled

Employees/Workers form in standard D365 can't be opened if CAPcargo Optimizer license is not installed and configuration key enabled.
Known issue will be fixed in R41.1

2024-05Know issue107221
Customer order management and pricingLoad/Unload contact person lookups were previously not offering contact persons of load/unload address (issue only in order creation screen)2024-05Bug104695
Customer order management and pricing
Contact details (eg. primary & secondary phone, email) were previously not populated for load/unload contacts

Previously, load/unload contact details (eg. primary & secondary phone, email)) were previously initialized only from the primary contact (of the customer account). Newly, load/unload contact details (eg. primary & secondary phone, email) are initialized from load/unload address contact details.

Additionally, also the contact update mechanism was corrected:
When load/unload address is changed, then load/unload contact person (if specified on transport order header) is cleared, and load/unload contact details (eg. primary & secondary phone, email) are initialized from the new load/unload address.

Driver App
Enable sending of attachments bigger than 4 MB from D365 to app

The new attachment integration (101099) doesn't have the 4 MB filesize limit that the previous integration had. In the previous integration it was not possible to send files larger than 4 MB from D365 to the app. Now this is technically possible, however it's strongly recommended to use smaller file sizes for optimal user experience in the app.

2024-05 (CAP41.1)New feature101106
Driver App
Refactor attachment handling (integration with Azure Storage) - remove dependency to MS DLLs that are shipped with D365

We had built the integration between D365 and Azure Storage using building blocks readily available within D365. Customers experienced errors in the integrations because the versions of those building blocks (DLL files) changed frequently. Additionally Microsoft doesn't support using those building blocks, even though it's not mentioned in official documentation.

We have now reimplemented the integrations and no longer have dependency to any Microsoft DLLs inside D365 application. This should ensure smooth operations in the future.

With this change, the Mobile app parameters have changed a bit. We no longer have tab page "Middleware fileshare". Two new fields have been added to "Middleware services" tab page. D365 now communicates with the middleware service, which communicates with Azure Storage. There's no longer a direct integration between D365 and Azure Storage.

The middleware must be updated to by CAPcargo IT, and new parameters [middlewareURL]/api/download and [middlewareURL]/api/upload must be added to Middleware services tab page in Mobile app parameters.

2024-05 (CAP41.1)New feature101099
PTV Europe City Premium 2024.2H Map compatibility

CAP41.0 has been tested with the new PTV Europe City Premium 2024.2H Map material. This allows customers to benefit from the latest available map data in their processes. Your CAPcargo consultant will provide you with the applicable configuration URL to benefit from this map refresh shortly.

2024-05 (CAP41.1)New feature107280
Master data
Employees/Workers form can't be opened if Optimizer config key is not enabled

This task fixes the issue described in KNOWN ISSUE 107221:
Employees/Workers form in standard D365 can't be opened if CAPcargo Optimizer license is not installed and configuration key enabled.

2024-05 (CAP41.1)Bug107202
Dispatching and confirmation
Opened browser windows from GPB are sometimes stuck in 'Preparing data, please wait...'

Previously in certain scenarios, the browser window opened by user from different GPB functionalities got stuck in status 'Preparing data, please wait...', without any hint that process will not actually continue.

To improve this, a new step has been introduced before the 'Preparing data, please wait...' within the newly opened browser window.
In this initial step, the text "Your request is being processed. If the next phase 'Preparing data' is not displayed within the next 5 seconds, please close this window and try again." is displayed to the user.
An automated refresh is implemented in the background, which should solve most, if not all, cases of potentially 'frozen' browser windows.

However, if this automated refresh still fails, and window continues to display the 'Your request is being processed...' text for several seconds instead of going to the next phase of 'Preparing data...', user can safely conclude that the browser window has become unresponsive, and attempt to open another one.

2024-05 (CAP41.1)Bug104247
Master data
Driver creation via wizard cannot be completed if Driver app config key is not enabled

This task fixes the issue described in KNOWN ISSUE 107277:
Driver creation wizard process cannot be completed if CAPcargo Driver app license is not installed and configuration key enabled.

2024-05 (CAP41.1)Bug107278