Who would have imagined three months ago that our habits and cooperation methods will so quickly change and are even working?
End of February 2020 CAPcargo has decided that from the 2nd of March on we keep our office locations closed and everybody must work from home. We did this much before official government instructions were communicated. Why? Our sense of responsibility towards the health of our employees, customers and partners.
It has helped that out team knew that this step will come. For us at CAPcargo we know that many small exchanges within the team are helping to create great solutions. But how to keep this exchange running, when everybody is working isolated? We quickly established two daily synchronization calls within the various teams. Surprising result? It works!
And the customer exchange during implementation projects? New and known processes. Operating our consulting team out of Switzerland and having many customers all over the world, for us it is the common process to work often remotely together with our customers. However, totally new for us was to run analysis and design workshops over distance. Yes, new methodologies are needed. It is not realistic to have a workshop call taking 8 hours. Making smaller pieces, being well prepared, setting expectations and targets are making it possible. Result? It works!
We see it as a chance
We are all learning a lot during this time, we need to adopt, change and reflect. Saying good-bye to old habits is also a big chance. Many of us enjoy the time without commuting to work or being close together with their family. Having simply more time is also a gift. Nevertheless, we are looking very, very much forward, seeing us again, not only digitally.